Halloween make-up has changed since we were kids. What were plastic masks and basic crayons is in the yesteryears. Today, the question is how imaginative can you be? The possibilities are endless. Here are some photos to inspire you to be spooky for Halloween.
#33. Rockabilly zombie

#32. A more traditional Cheshire cat.

#31. The half zombie.

#30. Double face.

#29. Zipper eye.

#28. Zipper face

#27. The sutured face.

#26. Slash victim.

#25. A sad clown.

#24. Buffalo Bill approved.

#23. Screaming vampire.

#22. Hole in the head.

#21. An eye mask.

#20. Tragedy Ann.

#19. Eyes on you.

#18. Crystal face.

#17. Two-faced.

#16. Reptilian girl.

#15. Jigsaw

#14. Half dead.

#13. A mouthless demon.

#12. Half-and-half face.

#11. Broken doll.

#10. Ventriloquist dummy.

#9. The skeleton sister.

#8. Angry clown.

#7. Skeleton.

#6. Eye mouth.

#5. Creepy cracked doll.

#4. Another broken doll

#3. Cosplay Chesire cat.

#2. Big mouth.

#1. Sewn lips.

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