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These 15 Super Creative Coffins Is Definitely Going To Lighten The Mood At Any Funeral. #6 HAHAHA

While many of us regard death as a somber, painful part of life, it can still be nice to shed a little humor on the subject. After all, laughter can be very healing! Check out these crazy, wacky, and hilarious coffins accompanied by the most unforgivable puns we could concoct. Enjoy!!!

#15. Book of the Dead

1Her life was on open book… Until it closed.

#14. Hammer Time

2.“Bang bang Maxwell, silver hammer came down upon his head!” -The Beatles

#13. A Tropical Tragedy

3Rest in Peace, Spongebob.

#12. A Fishy Finish

4Safe to say, his attempt to survive really floundered.

#11. Killed by Coke

5Should’ve chosen the DIET coke…

#10. Planting Onions

6Everyone will be crying at this funeral.

#9. Red Hot Chili Pepper

7She just couldn’t handle the spice, and now she’s on the Otherside.

#8. A Ballerina’s Burial

8Bro, that funeral was en pointe!!

#7. A Gut-WRENCHing End

9He was a total tool while he was alive.

#6. Call Me from Heaven!

10She ran out of minutes… Literally.

#5. Flip Flop Til You Drop.

11Never underestimate the danger of a footwear faux pas.

#4. A Poultry Passing


Even her life on the free range couldn’t keep her from the slaughter house.

#3. ????

13Looks like this spikey swan of death bit off more than it could chew. We might say the same about whoever planned this funeral.

#2. Roll the Credits

14His life was very cinematic, and there unfortunately won’t be a sequel.

#1. Bombs Away!!

15Not surprised he died young… He was a total loose canon.

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