
21Children’s Inappropriate Funny Spelling Mistakes

Kids are a never-ending source of joy – if not for their boundless energy and joy, then for the hilarious and oblivious reasons.  These 22 images are hilarious because of the fact that the kids probably have no idea how inappropriate the meaning are for what they wrote.  😀

1.) My Whole Family

2.) Best Cook!!!2-best-cook-ever

3.) Abraham Lincolnabraham-lincoln

4.) I Come In Peacebuzz-piece

5.) Chum Bucketchum-bucket

6.) Come With Me…come-with-me

7.) Cute…Cute…Cute…cute

8.) Elephant Like To Eat Peanuts…elephant-peanuts

9.) Enjoy The Beach…enjoy-beach

10.) Ouch…goat-pen

11.) Happy Birthday Kurt…happy-birthday-kurt

12.) Oh You Mean Account…have-an-account

What do you think?

Written by MD Admin

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