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Outstanding Performance By This Teenager Touched Judge’s Heart And Left Them In Tears!

Since the dawn of hit TV show American Idol in 2002, a slew of copycat programs have garnered similar success. The Voice, for example, really takes televised singing competitions to the next level with a novel concept that forces judges to make blind selections based solely on vocal chops. When they hear someone they like, they spin their chairs around to see the face behind that beautiful voice.

That’s exactly what happened recently on The Voice Kids in Germany. Within seconds of this girl’s audition, the judges spun their chairs around to see what child could possibly pull off an operatic classic so perfectly. By the end, they were in tears.

What an incredible performance! The ability to sing songs like this eludes some of the most talented adults, yet this young girl sings it with complete clarity and control. With a voice like that, there’s no stopping her.

What do you think?

Written by MD Admin

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