
These 26 Family Photos Are Timelessly Terrible #14 WHAAT?!

If you are ever offered a million dollars to take a photo like this, refuse. No seriously, refuse!

1. Just hanging out!

2. What fashion statement are they trying to make?

3. Need a Colt 45 to be able to tolerate this photo. Pronto!

4. The creepiest way to announce a pregnancy.

5. The irony of this photograph practically writes itself.

6. The hunter, hunted and somewhere in the middle – a family picture.

7. What is this dress made of – pandas?

8. This family is so happy, they are the rainbow.

9. Little red riding hood is more scared of grandma than the big bad wolf!

10. This is going to do wonders for their self esteem.


11. Baby, your love sends me to the moon.

12. Are they a family or a tribe?

13. Is he part of the family or did he just wander in for the picture?

14. This space is not enough to elaborate on the number of things that are SO wrong with this picture!

15. No guesses what he turned out to be!

16. This couple should just crawl inside the tree and stay there!

17. Leopard prints went out of style for a reason.

18. Oh, yeah. The baby just pooped.

19. Is that a headless person in the middle?

20. Yes, I watch her when she’s asleep.

21. We can’t choose our family.

22. Remember that time we got lost on the way to a concert and ended up in the photo studio?

23. Pets in a family portrait, understandable. A puppet…?

24. Framed!

25. A family that dresses together stays together.

26. This. Just. Cannot. Be. A. Permanent. Tattoo!

What do you think?

Written by Sarah Rogers

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