
How This Divorced Man Used His Ex-Wife’s Wedding Dress! #EPIC

There are fairy tale endings. And then there are endings that are better off being part of a horror movie! When Kevin Cotter’s wife left him, she took everything with her. The only thing she left behind? Her wedding dress. When Cotter asked his wife what he was supposed to do with the dress, she replied, “Whatever the f**k you want.”

And that’s exactly what he did. Cotter started a blog and documented the creative ways in which he used his ex-wife’s dress. Read on for some major laughs!

Took the dress hunting.

A decorative piece for the yard.

Tulle is basically the same thing as cheese cloth. So, yep, he made cheese.

Flossing with tulle is surprisingly effective.

Why buy a yoga mat when you have a wedding dress!

It’s a great way to keep the rain out.

A wedding dress doubles up as a great washcloth!

Painted the dress to support his favourite team.

A festive shower curtain!

It made a great parachute for his Derby car.

It also served as an excellent jump rope.

It’s the perfect way to keep the sun out.

Cover it in water to make a tremendous slip-and-slide.

He used the wedding dress as a tent.

Tied it to his bumper.

Now isn’t that a pretty Halloween costume?

A fluffy wedding dress makes the BEST hammock.

This looks like an …outdoor diaper?

It also makes a great toy to play with the ones who didn’t leave you!

Superhero cape.

Makes a great sail for a pirate ship. Arr!

And it’s also a wonderful bib.

When car covers are too expensive, use this instead!

You could even use it for arts & crafts. Or poetic justice.

Spare your precious car from getting dirty.

Use it for a white Christmas.

What do you think?

Written by Sarah Rogers

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