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21 Awesome Yet Weird Things You Didn’t Know Existed

22 : This dentist waiting room

21 : McDonald’s winter gloves

20 : Pop Tart Stuffed Donuts

19 : Future arcade boxes will be like this – NO COINS!!

18 : Pepper spray that takes a picture of the person you spray

17 : This awesome looking tie

16 : This walking sleep bag

15 : This handy backpack. Creepy yet awesome!!!

14 : Banana holder for your bicycle

13: This charity arcade. Awesome!!!

12: This giant cuddle up burrito pillow

11: Your kitties need this $2,000 sinking titanic cat condo. WOW!!!

10: These selfie shoes…Now take SHOEFIES!!!

9: This giant Koala

8: You need these salt and pepper shakers in your life

7: This chips and salsa hat.

6: This sci-fi looking electric violin. #MINDBLOWN

5: This 20 lane highway in Naypyidaw, Burma

4: This completely black chicken

3: This rolling office

2: This is pure genius

1: This is the greatest invention ever created…

What do you think?

Written by MD Admin

16 Most Bizarre Items Found On Amazon

This Soldier Didn’t Want His 6 Kids There When He Got Home… So he DID THIS Instead!!!