
Time Capsule Unearthed: What an 800-Year-Old Pot Reveals

In 2008, archaeologists unearthed this clay pot on the Menominee Reservation in Wisconsin.

Inside the pot were seeds…and logically, they decided to plant them.

Some of the seeds were alive, and when planted, they became squash plants…

…but not just any squash plants. The harvest was a giant form of squash thought to be extinct.

They’re named “gete-okosomin” squash, and they have a mild, sweet taste.

They’re also known as “giant squash,” for obvious reasons.

The vegetables are now making their way around the world, as they grow fairly easily.

This archaeological discovery has actually reintroduced an extinct species.

The largest of the squash weighed in at impressive 18 pounds.
This video shows a farmer explaining how he grew and cooked the 800-year-old squash.

What do you think?

Written by MD Admin

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