A lot of times when you hear these random facts online or from friends, you’re most likely to brush them off as fake, because let’s face it, a lot of stuff online is fake. But, every once in a while, something comes along that is so ridiculous sounding, it has to be true.
1. Women prefer men who play instruments

2. The Pentagon has a plan for zombies

3. Twister was thought to be a very dirty game

4. There’s a building that is in both the United States and Canada

5. Someone has landed a plane in downtown Manhattan, twice

6. A death row convict requested a single olive with a pit inside as his last meal

7. Leonardo da Vinci wrote right to left

8. The cherry blossom trees in Washington D.C. were a gift from Japan

9. Genetically altered mosquitoes exist to avoid diseases

10. “I have a dream…” was not in Martin Luther King’s original speech

11. Otters sleep holding hands so they don’t float away from each other

12. Condoms in Venezuela can run you hundreds of dollars.

13. Native American languages helped America win WWII

14. Pinocchio in Italiam means “pine head”

15. Stopping a sneeze could rupture a blood vessel, crack a rib or pop an eardrum

16. Einstein would have been a musician if not a physicist

17. All other planets, except Earth, are named after gods

18. One set of twins was born almost 3 months apart from each other

19. Pablo Picasso full name is 14 names long

20. 10% of all babies in Euorpe are conceived on an Ikea bed

21. Your phone has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet seat

22. Auraville, India is home to people from 50 different countries

23. Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were roommates while at Harvard

24. Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark

25. Women are more attracted to men with dogs

26. The womb can expand up to 500 times its original size during pregnancy

27. Martin Van Buren was the first President born a U.S. Citizen

28. Moon is frequent to Moonquakes

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